FOX VALLEY – Summer and fun are synonymous. I don’t want to miss anything fun this summer, so I compiled a list. (I love lists. I made a zine about lists once. You can buy it HERE on Etsy.) I made a summer list full of all the things that I want to do this summer in Aurora and beyond. Enjoy!
My Summer List by Marissa Amoni
June 8: Green Fest, Art in the Park, Louche Puce
Sit outside and drink a beverage at Wilson Street Tavern, downtown Batavia
Fermilab Barn Dance (June 9 at 6:30 p.m.)
Lots of Blackberry Farm (got season pass this year)
Blues on the Fox (June 14 & 15 at RiverEdge Park)
Two Brothers Summer Festival (June 21 to 23, but definitely Friday night for Old 97’s) (Oh, and Saturday at noon for The New Automatics reunion.)
The Tragically Hip at RiverEdge Park on July 20 (Dream come true.)
Drink coffee, hang, buy cool stuff at Louche Puce Market in downtown Aurora (June 8, July 13, Aug 10 & Sept 14)
ALLEY ART FESTIVAL on Aug 31. (4th year running. Crazy fun. Can’t wait.)
Go fishing and kayaking in the Fox. (Paddle & Trail hookup)
Explore local museums with KDRMA Passport to Adventure
Peck Farm Butterfly House in Geneva
Heritage Prairie Farms (Outdoor pizza DINNER!!!)
Emerson Pottery and Tea Room (for lunch)
Ride bikes to Aurora’s Farmers Market and downtown Oswego’s Country Market
See Todd Kessler and The New Folk perform
There’s so much to do in the Aurora area. What’s on your summer list this year?
Emerson will be seeing me this year!