Blues Mural is Second to What?

I have nothing against Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (complete lie — it’s not real food), but I’m not sure what it has to do with Aurora. Oh, wait. We do have a Kraft plant here. Never mind.

A box of mac ‘n cheese is pictured (or painted) with many other blue images in the almost-decade-old blues mural created by a painters union.

The collage also features a stingray, Walter Payton, and a blue hamburger.

It may or not be mural material. It’s debatable what constitutes art, and what should be installed as a mural. Of course not everyone will agree on the merits of a mural design. That is to be expected.

I’m not necessarily opposed to the blues mural going up in downtown Aurora. But I certainly didn’t think that it would take thousands of dollars to install such a mural. When I advocated for a mural ordinance that allowed murals in downtown’s Fox Walk Overlay District, I had a different vision.

I looked forward to engaging Aurora’s creative local economy. Aurora could have amazing murals drawn by talented local artists that draw people to our community. The city and the Aurora Public Art Commission could further the arts by enlisting artists who are part of Aurora growing arts scene.

We can debate about aesthetics, but that potentially $5K could be better put to use in an artist’s pocket.

Read more here.


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