River and Lake Streets to Go Two-Way in Downtown Aurora


River Street, Aurora

River Street along with Lake Street will receive a directional makeover this summer. Bike lanes will also be added to River Street closing the Fox River Trail gap.

A second open house will be held on Wednesday January 21, 2015 from 4 pm to 7 pm at the 5th floor conference room, City Hall, 44 E Downer Place, Aurora.

The Open house will present the two way conversion of Lake Street and River Street between Gale and New York Street. Lake Street is the southbound side of the one-way couple and River Street is the northbound side of the one way couple. Both these streets are currently under the State of Illinois Jurisdiction. The City intends to obtain a jurisdictional transfer of the River Street.

The total length of the project is approx. 1.10 miles. The intent is to convert Lake and River Street from one way operation to two way operation. Lake Street two way conversion consists of 5 signal modifications, pavement markings, on-street parking removal and geometric modification at the intersections. River Street conversion consists of 4 signal modifications, significant striping, includes a 10-ft wide two-way on-street bike path on the east side of the street that fills the Fox River trail gap, streetscape and well defined on-street angled parking and parallel parking along various stretches.

Construction is anticipated to begin summer 2015 and to be completed by autumn 2015.

Staff will be available to answer questions and take comments of the proposed two way conversion.

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